If multiple investments have been done in a single project, then; only one deed should be made. If multiple investments are done individually for sub projects, then; multiple deeds should be made.
Yes, Husband and Wife can be partners in a firm.
As per the khushi and guidance of Aqa Maula TUS, mumineen should carry out their business transactions in immediate payments (cash ma wepaar).
Partnership deeds are made firm wise. There can be unlimited partners in a firm. If a member is a partner in more than one firm, then for each firm separate partnership deeds will be made.
Step children cannot inherit their step parents’ wealth. However, the parents can follow the clauses mentioned in Hibat or Vasiyat as applicable.
Yes, if father and son are sharing profit and loss, then it falls under partnership and partnership deed should be made. However, if the father is the proprietor and compensates his son then it is not considered as partnership business.
No, partnership deed is only formed between mumineen. Doing partnership with non-mumin is not recommended.
Delegate him to Tijaarat Raabehah for Business counselling. His case will be evaluated. Finance is a part of business, however, adequate knowledge is equally important. He can be helped by Shukraano Ne’min Dasrah (SND) scheme for counselling and financial assistance.
Yes, khidmatguzars who have received farmaan for TWT khidmat can perform tafheem to muminaat behno. However, its reporting should be done to the Daeratul Aqeeq members for data collection and execution.
Yes, in liaison with mauzes Amilsaheb, Wasiyat forms can be obtained from Sigatul Qaza.
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